Anyone can get a bartending certification online; however, it takes commitment to become a good bartender. In terms of bartending, there is fierce competition so you want to ensure you stand out among the crowd. To become a good bartending, there are things you can do.
Being a bartender is not just about knowing popular cocktails or the kind of spirit or liquor and how to drink it properly. To become a good bartender, you need excellent customer service and a positive attitude. Pubs, bars, sports clubs, and cocktail bars are built and operated for guests to forget their stress and provide their mind with relaxation. How people perceive a bar depends on the kind and quality of bartenders they employ. This is something an École du Bar de Montréal might tell you. If you want to take your bartending career to the next level, consider the tips below:
Move Like you are on a Mission
As a bartender, you need to move quickly all the time. This will help you get your job done faster and satisfy your customers as well as keep your manager off your back. Keep in mind that happy customers will give good tips.
Learn How to Serve at Least Two Customers at Once
Being able to save more than one customer at once will help boost your game. It keeps you mentally alert. Remember two or three drinks at a time to spice things up and get better tips. Customers love to be impressed and could wow them using your amazing mind tricks. Also, serving people faster will make you look smart.
Be a Team Player
A great bartender should extend their helping hands to their fellow bartenders. In case you hear a colleague taking an order for a beer and you walk past the beer fridge, grab that bottle for them. Successful bartending involves taking orders as a team.
Have Manners
No matter how skilled you are as a bartender, you can still screw things up if you are rude and cocky. To be a great bartender, you need a combination of skill and expertise coupled with proper manners. You manners can make or break your tip jar. Keep in mind that there is no excuse for poor manners but if you show good manners, you will earn a good deal of respect from your customers, colleagues, and manager. It will certainly get you far.