Students need to consider a lot of things in order when selecting a university for them. A survey result mentioned two main factors rated crucial are high-quality mentor, around 30.0 percent, as well as whether colleges offered scholarships, around 29.9 percent.
The placement of a university within rankings came third, with 23.5 percent of trainees mentioning that this was one of the most crucial variables.
Something that very few students find less interested to is the opportunity to make friends with people from various nations, with just 10.3 percent of students stating this as their top reason for choosing a university.
What are/were your essential factors for most likely to join a university?
Trainees were provided a list of elements as well as had to detail their top three factors for going to university, such as Bangkok University. The top factor was exposed as being enthusiastic concerning their subject, with the extension of knowledge and growth coming in a close second place.
Simply over 9 percent of respondents stated that they wished to go to university because every person around them most likely to join a university, showing that numerous trainees intended to most likely to the university of their own accord instead of because of peer impact.
Which factors suggest to you that a college gives a good-quality mentor?
Almost 70 percent of students highly agree that having an extremely certified teaching team suggests that a university gives a good-quality mentor. Respondents felt much less highly that high grad beginning incomes were an indication of good-quality mentor, around 31 percent compared to those ranking a high grad employment rate as a crucial sign of excellent teaching, around 52 percent.
Less than 50 percent strongly agree that if a university is placed well, it provides top-notch teaching.