The study is not something for the night before exams. If you don’t study the whole year, you’re in deep trouble the night before exams.
Well, these are things that we get to listen to our elders pretty often. But they don’t get our problems though. Most of us, the students, we want to study, but somehow, we lose the study groove every other day. And today, we have come up with 7 top ways to improve our study habits. Here are some top tips to improve our study skills. Go through them. Include these habits to your daily routine and improve your marks again. To purchase your desired things at great discounts, visit HotOzCoupons.
Find the right place for your studies:-
Everyone has their ideal study room or place. We all have our idea about our perfect study room. It could be our bedroom or the library after school. Find the right place to study. And, once you get that ideal place make it like you always desired. Your study place should be a quiet and distraction-free place. Your study place has to belong in your comfort zone. Decorate the place like you always wanted. If you like listening to music while studying, keep a room for that too.
What is your idea about a suitable time to study?
Some people like the idea of waking up early in the morning and study. However, some of them work better at night. Find out your opinion about a suitable time to study and schedule your routine according to that. Most of the people love to study at night, if you come to that category too, then don’t push yourself to study later than your usual bedtime. It can make you tired and create problems with concentration.
Study every day:-
This is something elders always keep telling you right? Well, we are not going to make it another boring article, so don’t worry. What we are saying is, study whenever you feel like studying. But, try to feel like studying every day. At least for an hour each day. It will help you to continuously revising things. Studying for an hour or two every day, early in the year will keep you on top of things.
Try to cut off time from your other daily activities if you can’t find the time to study each day. Spend some fewer times online or cut back on your work shifts sometimes might help you.
Plan your time:-
Plan your time properly so that, you can make the most out of your studies. You can set alarms to keep a regular reminder to your study plans. Use a calendar to mark exams or assignment due dates so that, you’ll never forget about the important dates ever again. Make a to-do list each week. Be completely clear about the things you need to complete by the end of the week.
Discover the learning styles you’re comfortable with:-
Different people have different learning styles. Some people are auditory learners. They learn by listening whereas, some of them are visual learners. They love the idea of learning by watching. They highlight the key points with markers. And then there are tactile learners. They prefer to learn by doing. Discover your category of learning to understand your studies properly.
Review and revise:-
Revising is a great way to remember your studies. Go back to the things you’ve studied earlier in class. Thinking about the key topics while revising can help you to clear your concepts. You can do it in two different ways.
Get a family member or a friend to quiz on your key concepts. Help your friends in this way too. Quizzing with friends will build up your confidence and give you a clear idea about what you know and what you need to study again.
Another option is you can make your study material. Think about some practice exam question or you can also create flashcards to help you with your studies. In this way, you read the same topics twice. Once, when you make your study material and second when you revise it again.
Take a break:-
Yes. Taking a break is also very important while studying. Especially, when you feel a lack of concentration or frustration. Leave your study place for a while. Have a walk in the locality. Make your mind refreshed againcome back to study. It will help you to keep things going.
So, here are some tips to help you out with your studies. Read more, as our brain feels hungry too. Feed your brain with knowledge.