The ACT has been different from the tests that you would often take in school. Therefore, you would be required to approach it in a different manner. It would be pertinent to mention here that simple strategies should be customized for the ACT test prep.
Find below some proven test-cracking methods designed by Prep Expert to suit your specific needs.
Work on Questions out of Order
When you spend too much time on the hardest problems, chances are higher than you would tend to rush through the easier ones. Rather than working on the questions in order, you should inquire whether the question falls in do now, later, or never to do order.
You do not need to ponder on the question too much, as the decision should be made relatively quickly.
Do Now: If the question looks okay and you could attempt it now, you should start immediately.
Do Later: If the question looks to take some time to answer properly, you should leave it and attempt it later.
Never to do: You should not waste time on questions that should not be done, the ones that waste time, or the ones flashing danger signs.
It would be in your best interest to give appropriate time to answering do now and do later questions properly.
Stick to the Letter of the day
Simply because you were unable to answer the questions does not imply that you do not answer it completely. It would be pertinent to mention here that there has been a penalty for wrong answers on the ACT. You should avoid leaving any blacks on the answer sheet. For your never to answer questions, the best ACT test prep strategy would be to stick to the combination of two letters of answers for the day.
Finding the Wrong answers
You should rest assured that multiple choice tests would offer huge benefits. They would provide you with an accurate answer on the page itself. Prep Expert would recommend finding the wrong answer first. When you tick the two wrong answers, the right one would appear automatically.
Understand the Right method to fill the Bubble
In the event of you worried about filling the wrong answer bubble accidentally, you should start working on one page at a time. Circle the answers accurately on the booklet and transfer the answers on the answer sheet one at a time.
It would be in your best interest to stay focused on working on every question instead of upsetting your concentration on locating from where you left off.