The importance of science for all aspects of life
Science introduces in one way or another all aspects of life, from cooking to recycling, or understanding the daily weather report, or reading and understanding a geographical map, or using a computer, as science is the basis in all these matters, just as scientific technological development It has changed the world dramatically, and it is expected that the future of future generations will witness a further development that may be difficult to imagine, and thus science contributes to providing man with the tools and skills necessary to analyze, test, and find appropriate solutions to them. [1]
Human protection
Science plays an important role in protecting human beings, such as protecting them from natural disasters, as these disasters are expected through science, and the technology devoted to that in a timely manner, and providing the necessary information about these disasters, and warning about them in order to help prevent them or reduce their damages, in addition to Its focus is on facts relating to nature and the social world, and science also helps to devise new drugs to protect the human being and treat him from diseases. [2] The human presence has become relatively protected from diseases due to the drugs that were invented, in addition to increasing the average life expectancy of the person is accomplished Scientific. [3]
Shorten the time and distance
Science contributes to the approximation of distances and the shortening of time, as it is now able to travel from one place to another very quickly using modern means of transportation, in addition to the ability to communicate with people who live thousands of miles by sending an email, making a phone call, or listening to the radio, Knowing the news after seconds in a place far away. [3]
Provide amenities
The impact of science on a person’s life by making them more comfortable, as he added tremendous means of rest and shortening the effort and time on the human being, and making the various tasks that he performs in his life more easily and smoothly. Technology, etc. [3]
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- تحضير لغتي اول ابتدائي المنهج الجديد الفصل الثاني 1441