UGRAD can be a global exchange undergraduate Pakistan based scholarship program that was established this season with the Bureau of the practice and Cultural Matters (ECA) from the united states . States America. Undergraduate scholarships for Pakistani students 2019 can be found with this particular scholarship provider organization. This program is running all over the world plus Pakistan the program is administrated through the united states . States Educational Foundation in Pakistan (UCEFP) through the Worldwide Research and exchanges Broad (IREX). Every a lot of students get benefited using this scholarship program. Following will be the descriptions to win this scholarship program.
Deadlines: Applications Deadlines are September/October.
Batches: There are 2 batches running in Fall and Spring Season.
Length of scholarship: Scholarship could be acquired for starters semester.
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants must talk to the below stated eligibility criteria to earn this scholarship:
Applicant ought to be a Pakistani citizen
Applicants ought to be 25 or higher in age
Applicants who will probably pursue four years years undergraduate degree are qualified
Only seriously students are allowed to get
Only highly academic achiever students are allowed to make use of
Students may also be requested to demonstrate an excellent British Language Proficiency
Only deserving students will probably be entertain
Listed here are a couple of ineligibility may also be shown with the organization according to the candidates will to be able to submit an application for:
Citizens of USA or citizens who’ve the permanent residence of USA
Parents, spouse or other dependents of USA citizens or permanent residence
Employees of Fulbright organization and USAID or HEC aren’t allowed. Spouse, Children’s or any other dependent of individuals personnel are not allowed
Students who’re already pursuing degree or will be in final year aren’t allowed to get
Applicants first see completely whether they are qualified or else. Once the students or candidates are qualified they goes using a process funnel. All the candidates ought to be informed this scholarship program is requested every year inside the month of September or October.
Applicants are required to make use of the application form through online procedure at UGRAD-Pakistan official website. Applicants uses the applying using the following stated documents. Realize that these stated documents are essential without the applications will not be entertained.