Duplicate content, SEO all these factors can have an immense impact on the ranking of a website. Compare websites with a website plagiarism checker to detect external duplication. Swiftly remove web address containing copied content to avoid any damages.
Some essential facts about duplicate content
Duplicate content is similar or the same pieces of information present on the internet. The search engine is responsible for showing users relevant results based on their search input. The same pages that the search engine encounters while compiling the result for the search term are termed duplicates.
Apart from similar content, pages with slightly different URLs or versions are also considered duplicates by search engines. The creation of these versions often takes place automatically. It can take place while changing the language or using a different device for accessing the website.
Does duplicate content affect SEO?
Duplicate content SEO doesn’t directly attract penalty, but its presence erodes the optimization actions undertaken by the website developer/owner. Optimization is there to enhance the performance of the website. A higher ranking on the results page and better organic traffic are outcomes of the succinct implementation of optimization plans.
When a search engine finds multiple pages with the same information against a search query, it automatically chooses one result as relevant and features it on the results page. The other similar pages are deemed as duplicates and aren’t featured on the results page.
It implies that a rank-able page can become invisible on the internet because of duplicate content. Therefore, SEO actions have to take internal and external duplication of information on web pages into account for building a fool-proof SEO strategy.
The owner of the original website can file a complaint if another website copies its content for malicious purposes. It will help them to get the scraped website removed from the search engine results page.
Hence as website owners, it is vital not just to address internal page duplications instead, they should give plagiarism issues immense significance because plagiarism by others can also make the pages of the original website seem duplicate for search engines.
Steps to avoid duplicate content
Duplicate content is not always a result of plagiarism. There is a fair amount of data that gets copied into different websites. It often happens with e-commerce websites that copy product descriptions from parent websites. But disregarding the issue of scraped content isn’t wise. Many content scrapers steal the content from well-designed websites for popularizing their websites.
However, this unethical route doesn’t work out in the long run. Website owners can easily detect copyright infringement of website content. They just have to use the website plagiarism checker. The website owner can file a complaint under DMCA against the content scrapers.
Website content developers should avoid scraping content. However, this single action does not guarantee the absence of duplicate content on a specific web page. A few vital steps are there below that can help content creators to avoid copied content in a writeup.
Upload meaningful original content:
Original content is highly recommended for avoiding duplicate content issues. It is vital to understand that content that is substantially similar to another text available on the internet is duplicate content. However, that doesn’t imply that multiple pieces of content aren’t present on a topic. It is essential to deal with an issue creatively.
It is wise to rely more on individual creativity than on the internet as that helps in building an original piece of content. Hence, it is sensible to take time and create content on a topic from scratch. Writers can follow the following steps in this regard:
Do not choose topics, writers have already explored:
Informative websites often have a considerable collection of writeups on different topics. It is not always possible to remember all the article topics. It is prudent to conduct a website search to avoid duplicate content SEO. By doing a website search, it is easy to find topics already available on the website. Hence, before writing a new article, it is sensible to check the website to avoid writing a similar one.
Cite resources used in website content:
The rules of citation are slightly different while writing website content. A web article using content from other websites is not uncommon, but it is vital to link the sources used in the text. Writers can insert hyperlinks in the website content to acknowledge the use of resources. However, the writers should not randomly insert the hyperlinks.
It is vital to insert the links immediately after quoting information from any source. Hence, when search engines scan websites with content that has credible links, it doesn’t attest the webpage article as duplicate content.
Duplicate content affects website performance negatively. It is vital to scan websites for copied content. Manual search for duplicate content is troublesome. Hence, it is sensible to use a website plagiarism checker for duplicate content SEO.