Preparation for ICSE Class 10 Board Exam is one of the crucial parts of students’ lives. They face the board exam for the first time in the 10th standard. They do have the excitement of appearing in the class 10 board exam, but they also feel nervousness and anxiety. Moreover, the academic year 2021-22 brings an additional challenge for students due to COVID-19 and adapting to the online learning mode. So, to help them sail through this journey, we have provided a few tips to prepare for ICSE Class 10 board exams.
Effective Tips for ICSE Class 10 Students
Students must follow and execute the following tips for their exam preparation to obtain a better result.
1) Study As per the Syllabus
Students must know the syllabus before starting their studies. Last year, i.e. for the 2020-21 academic year, the syllabus has been cut down, but now it has been again revamped for the class 10 students. So, it’s important to follow the ICSE Board Syllabus and refer to it every time whenever students sit for their studies.
2) Create Your Study Plan
Students have to adopt the online way of learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. So, it becomes essential for them to create a study schedule for themselves. It helps them to study in a more organized and productive way. It is advised to students to create a daily and weekly plan. Once they can execute it properly, they should go for the monthly study plan.
3) Clarify Doubts
While studying, it’s very common for students to have doubts. But, most of the time, they hesitate and feel shy to ask questions. Due to which the curiosity to learn new things dies inside them. So, they should learn to inbuilt a new habit of resolving their doubts/queries. They can ask their doubts with teachers, parents, classmates and discuss them. Nowadays, they can also take the help of the Internet to learn more about a particular topic themselves.
4) Revise All Subjects Regularly
Students should give time to all the subjects equally. Most students give time to those subjects which they find more interesting. It’s good that they study such subjects, but they should remember that they need to focus on all the subjects to score higher marks. To ensure this, they can start solving the ICSE Sample Papers for Class 10 before 2-3 months of examination. This will help them assess their performance. Also, they can figure out their weaknesses and strengths in each subject. By working on weak areas, they can perform well in the board exam.
5) Learn from Mistakes
After completing the revision, students will realise that there are areas where there is a scope for improvement. They should have a quick glance at their studies and note those points where they have made mistakes. By doing so, they will learn from their mistakes. It will also help in excelling in the exam.
We hope these ICSE Class 10 Preparation Tips will help students during their exam preparation. To access more study material, visit BYJU’S.