Leaders and motivational speakers have shared brilliant ideas and captured the human imagination over the years through motivational speeches for students. These speakers have influenced us to see a better future, and some have even transformed students’ perspectives on life. This article mentions a list of those speeches that are here to change and inspire you.
#1 Matt Cutts – Try something new for 30 day
Matt Cutts, an American software engineer, gives a piece of advice about setting and attaining objectives by being consistent for 30 days in a brief and amusing Ted-Ed Talk. According to Cutts, 30 days is “roughly the ideal time to adopt a new habit or remove an old one from your life.” He believes that if you want something bad enough, you can achieve it in 30 days.
He assures that the next 30 days will pass whether you like it or not, so think of something you’ve always wanted to try and give it a go.
#2 Matthew O’Reilly – “Am I dying?” The Honest Answer
EMT Matthew O’Reilly specializes in critical care. He talks about his experiences with patients who aren’t making it out of their emergency predicament. The thought of imminent doom and his patients’ inner peace and acceptance is both unsettling and uplifting. According to him, three repeating themes emerge: regret and forgiveness, the want to be remembered, and the desire to believe that their lives had value.
Knowing what’s on the minds of the dying, according to Matthew O’Reilly, is crucial. Knowing these views on death can help you live your life in a way that prepares you for a peaceful death. Don’t waste your last minutes begging for forgiveness, worrying if you’ll be remembered, or wishing you’d accomplished more with your life.
#3 Richard St. John: Success is a continuous journey
“How come so many people achieve success only to fail?”
Richard St. John is uniquely qualified to respond to that query. Richard, a self-described “ordinary man” who discovered success doing what he liked, spent a decade studying the secrets of success.
In a motivational speech for students, Richard St. John, an author, entrepreneur, and “success guru”, explains how perceiving success as a one-way highway led to his company’s demise. You’ll feel compelled to get out and walk right away. It’s easy to rest on your laurels after achieving a long-term goal. However, as many salespeople know, the clock is continuously reset, and if you become complacent, your quota will suffer.
The Final Word
A motivational speech for students might help them see things in a different light. These speeches can assist you in maintaining a positive attitude while facing the problems life throws you. You can learn about many job disciplines by listening to motivational speakers from various fields, and being well-informed always offers you an advantage.
While listening to these best student speeches, you can discover something to relate to and make well-informed career decisions. Listening to their hardships and how they overcame them might inspire you to tackle your challenges head-on and see every challenge as an opportunity to grow. You can also get inspired by researching and listening to a motivational speech for students!